The story revolves around the daily lives of Tadakuni, Hidenori Tabata and Yoshitake Tanaka of Sanada North Boys High school and their various interactions with other students of and around their school and their hilarious coming of age endeavors Each episode is divided into a series of shorts, with each short being only a few minutes in length ชื่อเรื่อง Daily Lives of High School Boys Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou วัน ๆ ของพวกผมก็งี้แหละ หมวดหมู่ พากย์ไทย จบแล้ว ประเภท Comedy (ตลก) School (โรงเรียน) Slice of Life (ชีวิตประจำThe winning work was a rough of "The Daily Lives of High School Boys" which he went on to use as his debut work As of date, Yamauchi has 2 completed serlialized manga, worked on anime illustrations and doujinshi Preorder The Daily Lives of High School Boys, volume 1
Daily Lives Of High School Boys Official Trailer Youtube
Daily life of highschool boys